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How To Improve Typing Speed From 30 WPM to 100 WPM


Updated: Nov 2, 2021

How To Improve Typing Speed
How To Improve Typing Speed

How to Increase Typing Speed

By reading this blog, you will learn how to type faster than before. If you are learning touch typing.

Note: If you want to learn Guide Touch Typing Beginners. Then click to read the article since this blog is written for people who already know how to type. And who want to increase their typing speed from 30, 40, 50 to 80, 100 words per minute.

Touch Typing Short Note

In touch typing, all ten fingers are used without looking. At the keyboard to type quickly and accurately. Typing faster with all 10 fingers.

  • Type without mistakes.

  • Type without staring at the Keyboard.

Typing Speed Building Guide

  1. Choose a Typing Software

  2. Desk Setup ( Ergonomics )

  3. Focus on 100% Typing Accuracy

  4. Practice Regularly

  5. Switch to Speed Building

  6. Important Typing Hints

  7. Typing Tests

  8. Change Keyboards

  9. Speed Improvement

Here We Explain the following Typing Speed Building Guide below :-

1. Choose a Typing Software

  • If you are interested in How To Increase Typing Speed to 100 wpm you need to download touch typing software.

  • WPM Test ( )


  • Typing Master

  • Rata Type

  • Rapid Typing

  • Type Lift

  • Keyhero

You can practice online without downloading any software, but many people find offline typing better than online typing.

2. Desk Setup ( Ergonomics )

Desk Setup To Increase Your Typing Speed
Desk Setup To Increase Your Typing Speed

I hope I gave you the proper answer to your question. So, next time you won't have to ask anyone how to increase your typing speed in English from 30, 40, or 50 words per minute to 80, or 100 words per minute. If you can follow these rules, you will quickly learn to type fast. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments section.

Proper body positioning and proper arm position are essential. Otherwise, you will feel fatigued, and your back, neck, arms will hurt severely.

  • Adjust your seat

  • Sit up properly

  • Sit as chest lifted

  • Shoulders straight

  • Keep head up

  • Keep eyes on the same line of the monitor's top-level

  • While typing look at the source text always scan the upcoming text a word or two in advance.

Most chairs were built with ergonomics in mind, so it shouldn't be too difficult. We recommend lowering your chair until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your feet directly on the floor (or on a footrest).

Proper posture is all about protecting the natural curves of your spine. It is important to maintain a concave (inward), Curve in your low back - your lumbar spine. To do this, sit back in your chair until you feel your lower back supported.

3. Focus on 100% Typing Accuracy

Focus on 100% Typing Accuracy
Focus on 100% Typing Accuracy

At this time, you should focus on accuracy. Type the same paragraph continuously for a few days until you reach around 100% Typing accuracy and then forget about speed.

The accuracy part of the typing course is so vital. Because if you rush and focus on speed instead of accuracy. You will suffer very much when you are trying to reach between 50 and 100 wpm.

Although it is so annoying, every typing student feels this pain while taking a speed-building course.

Hint :- 50 wpm test with 97% Accuracy is better than a 60 wpm test with 90% Accuracy.

You should focus 100% on Typing Speed Accuracy. If your accuracy is 96% or higher, you are on the right track, and trust me. Your speed will increase automatically and smoothly.

4. Practice Regularly

You need patience when trying to learn touch typing.

You have to practice regularly for 1 – 2 hours per day to memorize the correct position of the keys and train your brain because you are not staring at the keyboards.

Feel the keys with your fingers and remember the position of rows and keys.

5. Switch to Speed Building

Make sure to keep your focus on typing accuracy and start practicing every day. In the speed building course, you will increase your speed on the home row, index finger keys, middle finger keys, ring finger keys, and little finger keys.

Practices most popular words and important difficult spelling words.

At this stage, your speed will be near about 30 – 40 wpm test with 95% accuracy.

6. Important Typing Hints

  • Take a look at the source text.

  • Make sure you follow the keyboard scheme.

  • Do not rush when you simply started learning.

  • Only speed up when your fingers hit the right keys out of habit.

  • Always return to the starting position.

  • When typing test, take your time to avoid mistakes.

  • Accuracy is more important than speed.

  • 40 wpm typing test with 97% accuracy is better than 50 wpm typing test with less than 90% accuracy.

  • It will get faster as you progress.

  • Readout loud

  • Always scan the upcoming text a word or two in progress.

7. Typing Test

Typing Test
Typing Test

After learning the essential Touch Typing. Know you have to jump on to the next stage that is Typing Test.

By practicing the Typing tests, you have to write various English articles, summaries, posts like Aesop Fables, Abrahan Lincoln or, you can do your texts or posts.

How to add style text lessons in Typing Master 10

If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments section.

Have any questions? You can leave them in the comments section.

Maybe in your final typing test exam. Try some trending topics, famous novels, and some current affairs topics, etc.

Tip : Always try to accomplish more and more accuracy by repeatedly typing a statement until you reach above 97% accuracy in every one of your Paragraphs For Typing Test which, you are practicing.

8. Change Keyboards

Split Keyboard
Change Keyboard To Increase your typing speed

To increase your typing speed a little bit, try one of the new keyboard designs, such as the split keyboard.

The keyboard looks more comfortable than conventional keyboards since curved fingers and wrists are not required, making typing quicker and more comfortable.

9. Speed Improvement

Here is the break down of speed with the time that can be reached by being consistent and working hard.

The numbers can vary from person to person due to individual differences in the rate at which people learn things. In addition, speed depends on other factors such as how hard you work, how much effort you put in, and how interested you are in learning.

Speed Duration

20 2 Months

30 3 months

40 4 months

50 5 months

60 7 Months

70 9 Months

80 11 months

90 14 months

100 18 months

Keep your goal in mind and progress until you achieve your required speed improvement and accuracy.



I hope I gave you the proper answer to your question. So, next time you won't have to ask anyone how to increase your typing speed in English from 30, 40, or 50 words per minute to 80, or 100 words per minute. If you can follow these rules, you will quickly learn to type fast. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments section.

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